老實說 我從來沒想到會去用中性.....
19 March 2008, Wednesday
D300 and D3 Picture Controls Observation: Calming down and taking my newest Nikons out of VIVID mode, it seems like the NEUTRAL mode is ideal for people photos, maybe as nice as the Fuji S5.
I've been getting great kid shots at NEUTRAL and +1 or +2 saturation. People in my family render a nice creamy pink, not orangy-yellow as they do in the VIVID modes.
We need Nikon to add a new rear dial to let us choose among Picture Control presets, since I need to swap among them as I point my camera at my kid or a palm tree. My Casio credit-card cameras and the Canon DSLRs all have this ability.
The funny thing is I discovered this while first using the NEUTRAL mode for taming contrast for night outdoor shots. (The D3 and 14-24mm bury the tripods people used with film; I can shoot buildings at night hand-held no problem.) The next morning I still had the camera in NEUTRAL from the last night by mistake, and wow, people looked great. Nikon needs to include wrangling Picture Controls back to our personal default with Nikon's green-button reset command. (Casio credit-card cameras allow us to choose what gets reset, and what doesn't, in reset.)