Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's always the right time to upgrade to Mac

到底是要先去旅行還是買新的Al MACBOOK勒!!!!?????



如果是這樣 去買VAIO就可以了


It's always the right time to upgrade to Mac:

As I keep telling you, if I didn't use Mac, I'd never have the time between crashes and virus recovery to do this website. If you're serious about digital photography, and unless you're a hacker who can jockey Windows computers, please do yourself a favor and by any Mac and you'll get so much more done so much faster with no problems.

Which Mac? Any of them, even in the cheapest configuration, will run circles around any WIndows PC I've used. I bought Apple's cheapest iMac in its cheapest configuration for my wife, and it simply screams when I run anything, even Aperture, on it.

Consumer Reports, in their September 2008 "Biggest Online Blunders" issue, points out that millions of new PCs have to be bought each year to replace windows PCs that were destroyed by viruses and other problems, while Macs simply don't have them.

Heck, I still use my 5-year-old Apple iBook every day, and it was the cheapest laptop they made back in 2003. Of course many sillier people smugly thought I was an idiot while they paid a little less for garbagy windows laptops lacking features like Firewire back in 2003, but I bet you few, if any, of those people hasn't had to replace it at least once by now. They've paid more, and have gotten so much less. I'd buy a new laptop in a second if I needed it, but I don't. My 5-year old Apple works great.

The best comment is September 2008's Reader's Digest's snippet on "13 things your computer guy won't tell you." One of those 13 truths simply is "Buy a Mac." As the professional computer guys admitted, if you did, it would put them out of a lot of work.

Every time I share my advice on how to get more done by upgrading to Mac, I get hate mail from all the people who make their money from your computer problems. Sure, if you profit personally from computer problems and know how to fix them, do the wrong thing and get a Windows computer.

As everyone who upgrades to Mac tells me, they simply had no idea that all the crap they took for granted as being "part of computers" simply went away with Mac. All those weekend radio talk shows about computer problems? All those problems are Windows problems, not computer problems.

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